6 Manufacturing Industry Works born of the spirit of Innovation

Sometimes after you experience a failure, probably you substantially less passion! Well to reach success certainly is not easy, you have to keep developing innovations and remain eager to experiment new ideas. Any fields that you get into starting from the creative industry up to industry manufacturing should be upholding innovation to stay could bring forth fresh ideas. The development of this technology now has become a huge and endless demands everyone to keep developing the spirit of creativity and innovation, and below are some of the results of the paper manufacturing industry, born of always developing innovations, including: 

1. Jet Engine Bracket

Two jet engine bracket made of titanium alloy is made from 3D Printing technology developed in the center of the Additive Manufacturing GE Aviation in Cincinnati and has been repeatedly tested at GE's Global Research Center in Niskayuna, on last December. The discovery of this jet engine bracket technology was designed by a technician of origin of Salatiga, Indonesia, M. Arie Kurniawan. The results of the design of this level has a combination of Arie stiffness and lightweight. The weight of the original bracket is 2.033 grams (4,48 pounds), but can reduce the severity of the Kurniawan nearly 84 percent to just 326 g (0.72 pounds). Because of the technological innovation, Kurniawan successfully designated as a major winner among 10 finalists in the Open Innovation Challenge held by GE at the international level by 2013.
2. Streetlight Intelligent Tech LED

New street lights that are technologically "intelligent" LEDS combined with sensors and cloud analytics is no longer would embody a smart neighbourhood, efficient and cost effective or time.
3. Multi-Brilliant Products Factory in Pune, India

Well if this one is not just technology that produced, but its plant not less good!. GE has just built a "brilliant factory" that can produce a variety of products, ranging from spare parts jet engines up to four locomotives, components for GE business units, all of which are manufactured under one roof for the first time. The factory is located in Pune, India. This is the first time the concept of GE refer to as the "factory of the brilliant" successfully applied, the equipment manufacturer and a computer to interact in real time with an Industrial Internet; information sharing; and to take decisions in order to maintain production quality and avoid downtime. In this way, various production line connected digitally to supply, maintain and distributes the network in order to maintain the optimal production quality.

4. Spare parts Jet engines

Airbus A320neo using LEAP with the strongest parts with 3D-printing technology and raw materials. LEAP is the first machine machine equipped with 19 fuel nozzles are made with 3D-printing technology and spare parts made from ceramic super strong and light. And according to sources I read that currently, there are more than 30 machines LEAP (which includes three models) that are currently in the final stages of installation or are being tested at the testing facilities of GE and Snecma in Peebles, Ohio; Victorville, California; and other locations in Europe and around the world.

5. ProGlove

Wearable technology such as ProGlove was born from the innovation that's been useful create agan who often Board a plane, because this technology can weigh heavily the burden of any luggage items are loaded into the plane. The data collected can be used crew chief in real-time to analyze if the excess aircraft payload.

6. Desalination

Now the work is certainly very beneficial when applied, because right now it's really lively again with the dryness that causes water shortages in several countries. Desalination is the result of innovation that was born as a solution to overcoming water scarcity. And this is already implemented in 140 countries who've had a desalination installation generates around 20 billion gallon of fresh water per day, the amount of which is not how because it was just 0.3 percent of all fresh water used globally.

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