These Films Can Make Paranoid After Watching It

Thriller was indeed created to give you a spooky surprises or give a spectacle that could be adrenaline. For fans of the movie thriller, surprises and spooky essence like this is fun for them.

Sometimes, the Director and screenwriter are able to make a thriller so extraordinary to make the audience be paranoid until several days later. You certainly also never fear while watching thriller or horror too right? But, some of these movies can make you paranoid.

  1. Paranomal Activity (2007)

What makes this film was able to give the effect of being paranoid is a claims of ' found ' a recording that makes this story feels so real. Moreover, with unorthodox recording techniques by as if making a video documentation. Because the recording of this model, the audience so feel that the story is really real. Various scenes of shocking springing up in this movie. Starting from objects that suddenly fell or felt like someone was observing us. These things actually happen often, either because it was actually because of the wind, insects or rodents. But after watching this movie, you will feel paranoid and thought these things happened because of the behavior of the Ghost is being nosy like to disturb you.
2. Hostel (2005)
  After watching this, you guys will actually alert prior to travel abroad and meet with strangers. Travel should be fun turns terrible threesome teen received a recommendation of a foreign man to stay at a hostel. Not surprising in the hostel is the place for a psychopath to satisfy the craving of their crazy.
The film features scenes of torture that is full of sadistic and downright terrible. So if you don't like slasher films, we recommend you stay away from this movie. Slasher film is a film that involves a lot of murder using a knife blade. With the way the story is unpredictable, guaranteed you designate paranoid to travel to distant places.
3.Final Destination (2000)
death is a sure thing and we never know when death will pick up us. But if you know how the way you died, surely this would be so terrible. It seeks unearthed in the movie Final Destination.
In this film, all things and small decisions can be fatal and lead to death. The fact again, in this film the usual little things we meet come across everyday who turns out to be killing us. Guaranteed you will feel paranoid and afraid of little things after watching this movie.
 4.The Truman Show (1998)
 are you sure that your life is real? That you alone are in control of your life? Or lest your life actually is just a stage that is controlled by someone else? That's the stuff that will be turning in your mind after watching this movie.
The film recounts the life of a man named Truman Burbank who turned out to be a stage since before he was born. Throughout his life, he was surrounded by actors who acted as his parents, his wife, even people that she meets every day. His life was recorded for 24 hours over the years as part of a television show called The Truman Show.
 5. Contagion (2011)
 we know that the objects around us contain a lot of germs, but of our own isn't usually too concerned with this matter. Even frequent right we eat the cake that just fell in with the reason ' not yet five minutes '. But after watching this film, you will be more careful with stuff in after them.
The film tells the story of an epidemic or widespread disease outbreaks to the rest of the city to the world and resulted in cities under quarantine. The cause is also one of the things that's very unpredictable when ' patient zero ' or the first infected patients be shaken with a chef while vacationing in Hong Kong. Hmm ... you never know what kind of viruses that may be in contact with you.
 6. The Matrix (1999)

 the Film tells the story of everyday life that a human being is a living simulation and not real. Humans are slaves used by the machines as a source of bioelektric. Real life, real harder than imagined because the man is actually being at war with the machines.
In the film, Neo which is the main character is a hacker. But he felt a strange incident with suspect appearing and often the words Matrix appears. Guided by Morpheus, he realized that the world of which he lived before is not real. Some people are too deep to follow this film will probably start to wonder, don't-don't live is actually not real?
7. The Sixth Sense (1999)

The Sixth Sense about a Dr. Malcolm Crowe, a psychologist who tried to help a young child. A little boy named Cole Sear confessed that he was able to see the people who are already dead. Driven from his taste for not helping old clients who have the same issue as Cole. .
This film tells how a Cole Sear solely because the boy did have a special ability and being able to see the people who have already died. Lest, we also so?

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